Hi this is Jeff Fabretto, flight director for Mer A and this is the Flight Director report for May 24th 2004. This weekend we had some interesting things happen on both Spirit and Opportunity.

Spirit had, unfortunately, a fault this weekend where the flight software reboot, but we managed throughout the weekend findout what the cause of that problem was, we reconfigured the spacecraft, and it's up and it's opperational and it's healthy now. When we last left it it was at a trench - we'd dug this wonderfull trench infront of us - and tonight we're going to go into that trench and do some readings inside the trench.

Opportunity is at the edge of the crater, it's working its way around, and it had driven this last couple of metres toward the edge of the cliff and fortunately was smart enough to stop right at the edge of the cliff so we're a good 3 metres away from it - we're exactly where we want to be - we're going to sit there at the edge of this cliff for the next few days - and take a look at the whole panoramic view we have at the edge of this cliff.

That ends the flight director report for May 24th