Good afternoon, this is Joel Krajewski and this is May 25th for the Flight Directors update for MER.

On Spirit, we have closed the anomaly that happened over the weekend if you recall from yesterdays report that there was a software hiccup over the weekend and we've traced that to what is called the Erase Condition : two different parts of the code racing to their conclusion one getting a little ahead of the other. It's a situation that is perfectly safe and we've closed that out and we can image again, we're good to go. So we did some imaging work today Tomorrow we expect to complete the instrument work on the trench infront of us - some spectrometer work, and then the day after that we expect to back up to continue our drive onto the hills.

For Opportunity it is sol 119 and we are at the edge of the crater as we have been for several days completing our multi day survey of the crater rim both with the panoramic camera and with the Mini TES Spectrometer. We expect to complete that today and start our next moves tomorrow.

So that's the flight director update for May 25th