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It's taken long enough, but I've needed somewhere to point people when they want to book me for a talk etc smile.gif

I grabbed a great template from and it's still very much a work in progress, but I wanted to get it out before my next talk on Wednesday smile.gif Don't be offended if your particular website isnt in the links page, that will grow quite a lot in the future smile.gif

I've noticed that it doesnt centre in IE ( but does in Firefox ) - I'll try to sort that in the next couple of days.

Bill Harris
Nice website, Doug. It's bookmarked.

I need to refurbish my website, it was state-of-the-html-art for 1996, but hasn't changed since. This renewal will be hurried along in that I'm changing my ISP from Mindspring/Earthlink and that web space will become history by the end of January.

For posterity, visit .

Ahh - mid '90s websites. I love them. I'd much rather have that than a crappy flash intro.

The genius that is my colleague Josh has helped me (well, he did it ) fix the site for IE. IE doesnt 'do' CSS properly, so you have to botch it apparantly.

Bill Harris
It is fairly dated, isn't it. One of the design considerations was to load quickly with the 14.4K modems prevalent back then. I like the overall look-and-feel of that site, but it does need to be revised.

I must admit, I wanted to keep mine nice and slickand small, even in this broadband age smile.gif There's only one image in the whole site, the b'n'w Endurnace Pan. Everything else is CSS smile.gif

QUOTE (djellison @ Jan 24 2006, 07:21 AM)
I must admit, I wanted to keep mine nice and slickand small, even in this broadband age smile.gif

Thanks! People still use dialup - my home connection rarely gets above 28k, I live too far away from the CO for DSL, and cable is a little too expensive for us. Whenever I do a web page, I always keep the poor bloody dialup folks in mind smile.gif
Great initiative Doug ... would like to see some photos taken during Your talks ... Hope I can be present for one when it's given in London or the East of the U.K. smile.gif
Best regards,
Philip cool.gif
I'm relying on Chris to get a better picture of me tomorrow smile.gif

"Born in Chester, UK in December '78 "

OK, Doug.... now I really feel old. Somehow I pictured you as our sage statesman of the solar system... at least in your 40's, if not 50's or older. You seem to be much too wise to be the age of my youngest child!

Now I am even more impressed with what you have done with UMSF.

Still no photos rolleyes.gif
I'll sort something out at some point - but it needs to look 'appropriate' to fit in with the little site as a whole. I dont want to scare anyone.

UPDATED smile.gif

About, Links and Talks all brought a little up to date

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