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Full Version: Pancam Tracking Site
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For those of you that use the pancam tracking site and are wondering what the 'live' and 'archive' buttons are.

If you're searching for things that are more than a sol or 2 old ( i.e. 'what's THAT image from last week?' ) - use the Archive option as it's much much faster and easier on the server than the live mode, which has to do lots of processor intensive searching.

I would expect that the site will stay online for as long as the server doesnt get too loaded - if that happens then public access may have to be turned off - so be easy on it smile.gif

What I actually do is to have a local copy (a doc. file) of the requested EDRs, updating it (almost) daily to add the tracking site's last data.

Faster and easier to me... and to the site's server off course. smile.gif
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