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Full Version: Pete Theisinger Mer Talk
Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Past and Future > MER > Tech, General and Imagery

In January of this year, two golf-cart sized rovers landed on the planet Mars to seek evidence about whether the environment there might once have been capable of supporting life. Originally intended to last 90 days and rover 600 meters, these two Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, have far exceeded those expectations. Pete Theisinger, the Manager of the Mars Exploration Rover Project through its development, and now Manager of the 2009 Mars Science Laboratory Project, will describe the challenges of developing the two Mars Exploration Rovers in just three years. He will discuss the design process, relate the myriad challenges and setbacks that had to be overcome during development and operations, and give the definitive behind-the-scenes story of the extraordinary flight and surface operations of the Rover, including some glimpses into the mission's scientific results.

Excellent talk although it's a bit "dated" since it was given at around Spirit Sol 200. The sound quality in the streamed version degrades severely for around 25 minutes just after the 1 hour mark, and it drops out a few times again briefly before the end.
I've downloaded the "offline" version just to check and it has the same problem which is a pity. It's worth perservering with because it's an excellent presentation and he has a very entertaining delivery style but it's a real pity about the sound quality.
Particularly given what he mentions during the dodgy audio areas, specifically that one of the MER team in the landing video was one of those tragically killed in the accident at JPL a while back. I think that's what he was suggesting.

mars loon
QUOTE (djellison @ Jan 13 2006, 09:08 PM)
Particularly given what he mentions during the dodgy audio areas, specifically that one of the MER team in the landing video was one of those tragically killed in the accident at JPL a while back. I think that's what he was suggesting.


Pete Theisinger is giving a new talk on Jan 26, 2006 at JPL

see this thread
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