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I'm a big fan of firefox, and I thought it might make sense to share extensions-experiences smile.gif

I have 2 installed - Flashgot ( which talks to free download manager ) - great for getting all the links from a page, i.e. all the images from an exploratorium page.

and ZoomFox - which is just super. You've always been able to toggle between having a large image fill the window, or be show actual size - but this lets you zoom in and out and pan around much like the Photoshop navigator.

All top stuff smile.gif

I use downTHEMall. Presumably similar to Flashgot, lets me download all the images or links with selected extensions. The new version is better integrated with the browser, so that it is accessible via right click. Plus once it's configured there is a one-click express option.
I 've got ZoomFox, DownThemAll, NoScript and Adblock.
I 'm not very happy with DownThemAll, so I 'll give Flashgot a try.
NoScript is superb, I highly recomend it for getting rid of both javascripts and unwanted flash content. I can choose the ones I want to see and surf uninterupted. smile.gif
Bill Harris
Some changes ahead for me. I'm changing ISPs and I'm going to convert over to Firefox (from IE, ugh). I'm also going to change email: how is Firefox's email program?

Good tips on the extensions.

I use PDF Download. It is superb. It permit continue to download a PDF in another stub and you can change between stubs without freezing the FireFox. I use sometimes IE View, permit to open IE via FireFox Menu. I use daily: FlashGot and zoomfox (it is a must for viewing exploratorium images). Finally I have an useful extension: CustomizeGoogle permit me to change many attributes of Google features (web, images, groups, news, gmail, local, etc.)

Sage - RSS reader in a sidebar. It's not the slickest but it's nice, simple and fast.
QuickProxy - A lifesaver if you have a machine that moves between a home\work network. One click to turn on\off the proxy.
Nightly Tester Tools - allows you to run bleeding edge builds without breaking extensions.
Colorful Tabs. Bit of a gimmick but I like the effect.
FireFTP. Embeds an ftp client as a Tool extension.
Nice to know how many fan of FireFox (I am too)!
Even if slighty OT, did someone noticed that, contrary to IE, this browser allow to see how many times an image was downloaded in the forum by simply going on it with the cursor? (a "nice to have" item from an hold thread, when Doug introduced thumbnails).
QUOTE (Bill Harris @ Jan 9 2006, 04:45 PM)
I'm also going to change email: how is Firefox's email program?

I was a long time user of Netscape Mail, so by switching to Thunderbird (Firefox's email client) I did not notice many differences, only improvements, like excellent spam/junk filters, and easy to use email lists wink.gif
My Netscape old mailbox and emails of 6 years were imported as a snap into Thunderbird. I love it smile.gif
Speaking of Firefox, I've been playing with the scriptable SVG graphics features built into Firefox 1.5. If you want a sneak peek at what I'm working on, check out the dragable starmap here. This depicts the closest 100 star systems to us, with sol in the middle.

Someday when I get some time I'll make it so you can zoom, and click on star systems for more info.
QUOTE (djellison @ Jan 9 2006, 02:15 PM)
and ZoomFox - which is just super. You've always been able to toggle between having a large image fill the window, or be show actual size - but this lets you zoom in and out and pan around much like the Photoshop navigator.

Thanks I could use that.

My only complaint with Firefox is that I can't install the Google Toolbar (That little search window is nearly useless for me) In fact I still use IE at work for that reason.
What is it that the Google Toolbar offers than the earch box doesnt?

QUOTE (Bill Harris @ Jan 9 2006, 02:45 PM)
how is Firefox's email program?

It's called Thunderbird. It looks a lot like the old Netscape mail programs but has a whole slew of advanced features. I use it for the easy manipulation and searching of archived messages. I never delete an email so I have everything I've sent or received back to 1996 at my fingertips.
Although it isn't an extension - How many people are familiar with MozBackup.?

Edit: I am only aware of a Windows version.

I had some minor, but annoying, problems importing mail, address books, bookmarks from IE and Outlook into my first Netscape Navigator suite many years ago. But I have never had any problems since.

MozeBackup transfers more things than you could ever want! Would you believe that MozBackup transfers your browsing history, and your cookies! If you want it to that, it does. And your passwords. It includes all your email settings, and your filters, and your folders. I download a lot of mailing lists. I have a lot of filters and folders. smile.gif

Support was ended August 2004 so that Firefox and Thunderbird were relatively unknown, but it always worked fine for me. I could archive / transfer everything from Mozzilla suite. Then I imported mail and address books into ThunderBirdy and and the other stuff into Foxy. It never got hung up. It never asked any questions. If I tried to import email and bookmarks into ThunderBird, it simply reported that email was successfully transfered, but it had failed to transfer the bookmarks. No sassy talk and no insults. tongue.gif

No it will not combine two different emails. Importing emails overwrites all other emails. The same with bookmarks etc.

I did a little search before posting this message and learned something that I did not know. It's been updated! ohmy.gif It now transfers extensions and themes! I haven't had time yet to check that out.

It is great for archiving your mail daily. It will archive to you choice of directories with a dated archival file. I think the new version will do it automatically.

QUOTE (djellison @ Jan 10 2006, 03:32 PM)
What is it that the Google Toolbar offers than the earch box doesnt?


It has a little pull-down tool that allows you to restrict searches to just the current SITE, just IMAGES or just NEWS and a few other options that I don't use. I know I can do that with commands but it sure is quick with that tool bar. It also has a webforms spell-check

I don't have to worry about IE security issues since I work for one of the largest government entities in the Western hemisphere and they have an IT department larger than the governments of most small nations that is constantly plugging holes and monitoring server traffic for bugs, worms and other electronic beasties.
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