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Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Past and Future > MER > Tech, General and Imagery
Some of my favourite MER images are single navcam frames that show the Martian terrain at its sublime best. I'm trying to compile a few choice ones here.

Rules for selection:
1)Not downsampled.

2)Must not show rover hardware, rover tracks or the rover's shadow.

3)Must have sky all the way along the top of the frame, and ground taking up 60%+ of the rest.

4)Must show an interesting collection of surface features pleasing to the eye.

...but I'm sure there are better such images than these...
QUOTE (SFJCody @ Jan 7 2006, 04:48 PM)
Some of my favourite MER images are single navcam frames that show the Martian terrain at its sublime best. I'm trying to compile a few choice ones here.

One might think that whole bunch of these images of dunes and hills would be uninteresting. And perhaps they are at first glance. But by the third or fourth image, the feeling starts welling up and then all of a sudden grabs you by the chest that, 'ohmigod, these pictures are coming from another planet; from a place you are never going to personally see in your life; a place that you would never get to no matter how far you drove, sailed, or flew. The resemblances to earthly terrain are deceptive; this is something entirely alien, utterly otherworldly. That sky, those shapes of hills and rocks, that horizon -- none of them could ever be duplicated anywhere on earth.'
Then one is boggled not just by the contents of the images, but by the fact that they even exist.

Thanks. To everybody involved, and to the little rovers that can.
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