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Does anybody have:
" VOYAGER TALES " by David W Swift
Just curious to know if it has many photos of the scientists involved in the project
This book is available (in somewhat crippled form due to copyright concerns) on You can read through the index and find out where photographs are present, and usually by searching for the appropriate name you can obtain the page in question. You may have to register with google if you haven't already.

Here's a sample of what you get:
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QUOTE (PhilCo126 @ Jan 5 2006, 09:24 PM)
Does anybody have:
" VOYAGER TALES " by David W Swift
Just curious to know if it has many photos of the scientists involved in the project...
I own a copy, though my version doesn't have photos. I think my version is an early print as one of the sections (Arden Albee) has some pages printed in incorrect sequence. On the other hand, I do believe that there are versions with B/W photos of the the "interviewees" at the beginning of their respective chapters. But don't quote me on that because I'm not sure.

As I noted in another thread, I believe the book is the best oral history of the project. And there are some interesting tidbits. For instance, the leading up to and immediately after launch when a couple of project managers were "fired." And, if memory serves, Charles Kohlhase recalled that, with a slight tweak to the flyby trajectory at Neptune, Voyager 2 could have been targeted to pass within one light year of Sirius at some point in the distant future. Etc.

Believe it or not, I picked the book up for a pittance at a used bookstore smile.gif
Thanks for the replies!
I might soon start a weblog with books on Unmanned spaceflight
Meanwhile I've posted some Mars-literature at:

Bob Shaw
To my mind, the *classic* book on the (general) subject has to be 'Exploration of the Moon by Unmanned Spacecraft' by Zdenek Kopal, published in 1967. It's full of great stuff about Lunar Orbiter and Surveyor. I bought it when it came out in the Pelican edition, and between it and Carl Sagan and I S Shlkovsky's 'Intelligent Life in the Universe' my fate was sealed.

Bob Shaw
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