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Full Version: Cool But Neglected Space Images
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What space images do you think aren't getting enough attention in the mainstream press?

This thread can serve as a counterweight to this one:
What Images Do You Never Want To See Again?

I've always been fond of this scene:
Wow what a great idea!

Apollo 12 and Conrad have always been personal faves to me, and here is another shot from that flight that hasn't really been featured in the mainstream press, and another acronym for those who aren't familiar with it to google: NSFW tongue.gif

I always liked the MIR shots - seem more old school than the ISS pictures - 2 pics that have served me well as wallpaper are:
MIR and Atlantis
MIR over New Zealand
MIR over Earth with Moon

This is going to be a great thread - hoping everyone will contribute some "rare" gems! biggrin.gif
Bob Shaw
o The Apollo 4 distant launch photo
o The Apollo 4 crescent Earth
o The Apollo 7 launch, seen from above, against the VAB
o All those great shots which Buzz Aldrin took of the other guy, wossisname
o The view from the LM rendezvous window of the Apollo 13 CM over the Moon

Bob Shaw
Bill Harris
Skylab exterior images.

(I'll edit&add as I think of images)

I'm not sure if you could call this neglected, but what the heck -

Sometimes even space can seem comforting.
QUOTE (lyford @ Dec 20 2005, 05:45 PM)
I always liked the MIR shots
That station was a glorious real-world example of George Lucas' "used future" concept.
And what a thriller was life onboard, at times.

An while we're at "hills & valleys", here's a " telephoto view from Station 6 featuring LM in distance"
From the Apollo Image Gallery (Apollo 17)
Astronomy Picture of the Day turns 11 years old and they celebrated with an
interesting collage of images, with a Mars Rover for a base.

APOD Turns Eleven

Credit & Copyright: Herman Serrano
Skylab EVA photos ( there're some great ones of KERWIN and also of GARRIOTT with visor up so You can see his face clearly ) wink.gif
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