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Full Version: Steve Squyres At Hayden Planetarium 12/12/05
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mars loon
Steve Squyres Presentation: pancam.gif wheel.gif dd.gif mars.gif smile.gif rolleyes.gif

Hayden Planetarium

American Musuem of Natural History, NYC

12 Dec 2005 at 730 PM

detailed info at this link:

Roving Mars
December 12, 2005
Code: HL121205
7:30 p.m.
Kaufmann Theater - enter 77th Street
$14 each ($12 Members, students, senior citizens) or $52 for series ($44 Members, students, senior citizens)
Advance registration encouraged. (Central Reservations: 212.769.5200)
This lecture series introduces authors who have published popular science books in astronomy. After each lecture, books are available for purchase and the author is available to sign copies.

Steve Squyres, Mars Exploration Rovers Principal Investigator; Goldwin Smith Professor of Astronomy, Cornell University

Steve Squyres is the face and voice of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover mission. Squyres dreamed up the mission in 1987, saw it through from conception in 1995 to a successful landing in 2004, and serves as the principal scientist of its $400 million payload. He leads us through the exhausting and exhilarating race to get the rovers to the launchpad in time — what it took for Spirit and Opportunity to land on the red planet in January 2004 — and knows firsthand what they found there.
I will be going to this presentation -- is anyone else going to be there? If I get the chance, does anyone have questions they'd like asked?
mars loon
QUOTE (tfisher @ Dec 10 2005, 05:45 PM)
I will be going to this presentation -- is anyone else going to be there?  If I get the chance, does anyone have questions they'd like asked?

I will also be there and can ask questions if there is a chance

there are some good questions already in this thread
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