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Full Version: Mer/jpl Site Filenames
Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Past and Future > MER > Tech, General and Imagery
Bill Harris
For a couple of weeks now, the MER/JPL/NASA site has had a probelm with incomplete filenames on recent images where a "##" is subsituted for characters in the filename. A workaround is to rename the image on the "404" page substituting a %23%23 for the ##. Is there a better workaround? I've seen discussion somewhere, but it eludes me...

QUOTE (Bill Harris @ Nov 6 2005, 10:47 AM)
For a couple of weeks now, the MER/JPL/NASA site has had a probelm with incomplete filenames on recent images where a "##" is subsituted for characters in the filename.  A workaround is to rename the image on the "404" page  substituting a %23%23 for the ##.  Is there a better workaround?  I've seen discussion somewhere, but it eludes me...


The correct fix is to have whoever manages the JPL feed to fix their software - the # character needs to be escaped (as %23) before being written into the URL.

It shouldn't be too hard to write a Firefox plug in to rectify it, if the problem persists I could take a stab at it. Doing the same for IE is a bit trickier.
The problem seemed to occur because the drive number part of the image filename incremented too high, and the scripts that JPL uses to post the images apparantly didn't handle it very well. They have reset the drive number, so the problem shouldn't recur for a long time, and all of the images have been posted to Exploratorium; however... It would be nice if JPL would fix the problem so that the images are available for reference.
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