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Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Cassini general discussion and science results
Fark p'shop thread
Ack, curse their 24-hour posting delay. Had one comment to Tubercular Ox's comment:
"I'm all for NASA colorizing photos to improve marketability, but is it just me or did they go overboard on those rings?"

Just wanted to post that, maybe he's looking at the wrong thing...either way, the statement isn't accurate.

"Images taken on Oct. 11, 2005, with blue, green and infrared (centered at 752 nanometers) spectral filters were used to create this color view, which approximates the scene as it would appear to the human eye."
Slightly stretched due to the infrared usage, but close to true color.
Besides, NASA shouldn't have to colorize for marketability. Plenty of stuff out there is colorful enough as is. Tubercular Ox's comment is evidence enough of that.wink.gif
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