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Full Version: Mer Pds Release 6
Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Past and Future > MER > Tech, General and Imagery
Tomorrows PDS release has appeared a day early on the geoscience FTP site with Analyst's Notebook likely to follow. The FTP site is at with access instructions available here.
djellison a new batch of colour images for MMB wink.gif

I ate some of it already and it taste good..yum

Spirit sol 441-442 L256/7

I'm not seeing the new true color images in MMB yet. Daniel, remember, first download everything, *then* give people the link smile.gif

If my home internet access is restored, I should be posting updated MMB pan metadata this weekend. Can't wait to check it out.
I'm giving a talk next Thursday - and hopefully all the new data will be sorted and I can drop it into MMB -it's my mid-talk-break-wow-factor during the break for tea and biscuits smile.gif

Ok, I'll admit it...I grabbed half of the RADS before posting tongue.gif
Opportunity is almost done processing, and I'll get Spirit started probably later tonight.
I'll have the images ready for MMB updating by Monday at the latest <-(famous last words)
takes me about 3 days to grab each dataset download wise, cant find anything intelligent enough to not download thumbs, ESF's, or right eye images.

why leave the right eye images Doug?

I dont bother making any anaglyphs for RAD's - so I dont need them

If I did - it's only a few frames to grab direct from the workbook smile.gif

That's true. I primarily use them for an occasional R1,2 color.
But I hate the thumbs too.

Nico smile.gif
I've updated the MMB panorama definitions from the new PDS update.

And woo yay -


I am now running round the office going "YAY - DATA"

This is known as doing an Emily.

QUOTE (djellison @ Oct 30 2005, 09:52 PM)

Timely! I am now downloading that as well.
It's about 550ish images. I downloaded them using some little tool I found online for looking at MER images...cant remember it's name...usefull little thing...


Am I right in thinking MMB happily downloaded the newest images from Dan, but doesnt quite know what to do with them till you've sorted the new metadata?

QUOTE (djellison @ Oct 30 2005, 10:39 PM)
Am I right in thinking MMB happily downloaded the newest images from Dan, but doesnt quite know what to do with them till you've sorted the new metadata?

You are quite right. Actually, I need to re-generate and re-upload the pan definitions now that I have Daniel's images downloaded. The download tool thingy will happily download Daniel's latest callibrated RADs and show them in Slideshow with no problem. It will even show them in Panorama if you select "calibrated color (DC) and raw images" for the display mode and you've already downloaded the current metadata. However, it won't show them yet if you select "calibrated color (DC) only" until I get my act together and fix the metadata, which I will do now. Sorry, sometimes I forget how the download tool thingy works.
Well, you guys beat me to it smile.gif

Indeed, the sols 361-450 radiometrically calibrated images are now available at and through MMB (update:advanced image update: update image from

There were 1253 total new color images in this release, including Spirit's sol 416 sol 417 cleaning event, some great examples of Spirit's bright salty stuff , Opportunity's visit to Viking and Voyager, and the begining of Opportunity's stay at Purgatory
Okay, I think I have the pan metadata updated now.

QUOTE (mhoward @ Oct 30 2005, 06:35 PM)
Okay, I think I have the pan metadata updated now.

Thanks Michael,

It updated like a charm and looks great. Seeing these images in their rightful context is like seeing them for the first time, thanks for putting the metainfo together!
It is THE best way to see Pancam data - kudos to both of you...

There are three things that get audible 'ooos' when I do my talks

1) The Front hazcam anaglyph from Endurance Pan Position 2. (i.e. right on the rim)
2) Any big MEX HRSC imagery
3) Panning around dan-o-vision mosaics in MMB

all we need now, hint hint, is for you Dan, to process Navcam IMG's to be nice JPGs , and you Michael, to drop THOSE in as well smile.gif

You guys ROCK!

I just went through the new data and I'm impressed all over again!

The Purgatory sol 446-450 is awesome. What a tool.

Euh...Doug's idea 'bout the navcam data ...he's right. tongue.gif If you find the time... unsure.gif


QUOTE (NIX @ Nov 2 2005, 07:36 PM)
Euh...Doug's idea 'bout the navcam data ...he's right.  tongue.gif If you find the time... unsure.gif

I agree, it would be a logical next step. I guess we'll see what happens.

I particularly love Dan's color interpretation because it reminds me of the colors I see of Mars through a telescope, on the rare ocassions that I get one out and set it up. So the images seem "realistic" to me. Dan says this was a result of the mathematical model used and it just came out that way. "True color" is one area I sure don't have the time or level of interest to get into so I'm grateful that Dan has done it already.
About time for the next release?
Friday, February 3rd
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