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My new blog is now online:

"The Meridiani Journal is a blog about planetary exploration and the search for life elsewhere, both in our own solar system and beyond, with the list of new worlds being discovered now growing rapidly. The name is derived from Meridiani Planum on Mars, where the Opportunity rover landed back in January of 2004 and is still going today (as well as it's twin, Spirit, on the other side of the planet in Gusev Crater), providing the first on-site confirmation of ancient salty lakes or seas on another planet..."
The Meridiani Journal is a blog about planetary exploration and the search for life elsewhere, both in our own solar system and beyond. The name is derived from the desert plains of Meridiani Planum on Mars, where the Opportunity rover landed in January of 2004 and is still going today, providing the first on-site confirmation of ancient salty playa lakes and groundwater on another planet...

I've been revamping the blog a bit again, as I've had time (apart from other projects and work in general). Still a work-in-progress, but taking more the form I want it to now. Comments-enabled and Atom feed available. Links are appreciated, for those of you with web sites, and I can link to others that may not be in the list right now.

Planetary exploration has always been my biggest life-long interest since I was a kid, and I finally got around to writing / blogging more about it, although I've been doing that in other areas of interest and research for a long time now (since the early 90s). Oh well, I just want to focus more now on what I'm actually most passionate about...
It's looking very good, Paul. You are updating it frequently with a lot of interesting news, and I know that isn't easy, so I hope you are getting readers. I have tried on and off to get something started, but just keeping up with UMSF has been a challenge for me. Perhaps in a few years, when I retire, I'll find the time to do a blog or web site of some kind. I'm adding it to my list of bookmarks. smile.gif
QUOTE (CosmicRocker @ Jul 19 2006, 08:10 PM) *
It's looking very good, Paul. You are updating it frequently with a lot of interesting news, and I know that isn't easy, so I hope you are getting readers. I have tried on and off to get something started, but just keeping up with UMSF has been a challenge for me. Perhaps in a few years, when I retire, I'll find the time to do a blog or web site of some kind. I'm adding it to my list of bookmarks. smile.gif

Thanks Tom, appreciate it. I was starting to wonder if anyone here had seen it yet... huh.gif

I've had some more time lately so just doing what I can with it.

I just added an update this evening about the new Cassini report (July 19) regarding Titan's (strangely Earth-like) Xanadu region. Fascinating stuff. Had a nice e-mail from Carolyn Porco, btw, of Cassini fame. I joined their Enceladus Focus Group; wish I could make their first meeting, now set for October 8, 2006 in Pasadena, but because of my work, don't think I can right now. I'll do an update for the blog though at least, if any interesting news comes out of it.
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