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Full Version: Raw Image Timestamps?
Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Cassini general discussion and science results
Is there a way to get the timestamps for the raw images on the Cassini website? There's a way to search for given date and time of day, but no way of getting the timestamp for a specific photo that I can see.
Bjorn Jonsson
Assuming you simply want to see a list of JPG filenames with the associated date/time you can hack the URL to see a big list of JPGs. For example here is a single image:

Removing the filename results in this:

Which is a list of images from the S15 sequence (it is very short as I write this).

However, if you want to know exactly when the images were taken you are out of luck (although usually it can be determined indirectly from the distance from the target).
QUOTE (Bjorn Jonsson @ Oct 12 2005, 05:19 AM)
However, if you want to know exactly when the images were taken you are out of luck (although usually it can be determined indirectly from the distance from the target).

Thanks.. that occurred to me, but it's kind of a pain and during flybys Cassini is at a given distance twice, coming and going & it can get even more complicated like with the current flyby of Dione:

So today and tomorrow, the 12th and 13th, Cassini will be at certain distances twice during the day and the view of Dione will be almost the same in each case (at least on the 11th it is easy to see whether Cassini is inbound or outbound).

Wish they just put the timestamp on the web pages.
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