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Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Past and Future > MER > Tech, General and Imagery
Bill Harris
I may be going bonkers...

I swear I remember this morning someone giving an URL for a big 25 Mb GIF of an MOC/MSSS image of either Erebus or Columbia Hills. I had a so-so connection this morning so I planned to download it this evening. Look as I may, I can't find mention of it here... I've looked in the past couple of day's postings in Spirit and Opportunity and it's not there.

Was I dreaming or what? blink.gif

Or (more probably) here?

linking to

Edit: Which although is a couple of months old was quoted in the last few days here
Bill Harris
Doh! I must have looked past that last-noted message a dozen times. That is the one.

"But when trying to plot the rover position, and looking to this very nice MOC image (be careful! the full resolution GIF is about 20MB!),"


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