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Full Version: Image Processing Forum?
Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
Since many of the people on this forum are either creating new images or processing raw nasa images I think that it might be useful to have a "Image Processing" forum?

Topics like raw image calibration, panorama stitching, superresolution, geometric reprojection and color reproduction is spread around the forum in all different areas and it would be great to have one place to go to to discuss these things.

"Software" would be great as a subforum. I sure would like to know what other people are using. (I use an small army of different softwares and custom scripts to get my panoramas done)

Do you think this is a good idea or is this outside the scope of "unmanned spaceflight"?

Mattias, your idea is not completely outside the forum in my opinion...
Many of us we are so massively involved in imagery elaborations (including Doug...)!
However, there is already a session dedicated to this (Imagery and Tech issues), so is not necessary to create a new one!

BUT - that forum is tucked in the MER sub-section.... it's the most appropriate place for now, but I'm always trying to think of ways to catagorise and compartmentalise discussions's harder than you'd think smile.gif

aah. did not see that one...

But isnt that one "reserved" for mer imaging issues?

Not really smile.gif Any tech/imagery stuff would be at home there.

QUOTE (Malmer @ Sep 18 2005, 04:28 PM)
Since many of the people on this forum are either creating new images or processing raw nasa images I think that it might be useful to have a "Image Processing" forum?


One of the greatest aspects of this imagery processing TO ME (and probably a lot of others that are not so excellent in processing images) is, that you people provide jaw-dropping panorama's of the sites in almost real time between other issues. It makes the forum "alive" and "live" and inspires a lot of members. Besides: one of the main outputs of the rovers are images.

I am afraid if you pull that out (and put it in one corner), a lot of us are going to miss the great work you guys are doing, simply because not so many of us are deeply into processing, stitching, etc.

The mix is great. If you'd ask me: I'd leave it the way it is.
There's a difference between sharing techniques, and sharing results.

The MER imagery/tech subforum has always been about the former - and the later gets done in the appropriate rover subforum

Richard Trigaux
What would be fine, Doug, is to have a mean to upload an image into the forum, not simply adding a link to an image on other sites.

I know there are serious inconveniences in doing so (disk space, abuses, copyright problems...) but there are also inconveniences in doing the way it is done right now (the image is lost if the other site disappears, and we do not alway have an URL for just displaying images).

Thanks to consider, Richard
You can already do it Richard -you can add attachments upto 1mb to any post - but I'm not going further than that and making some form of file library - that's not what this place is for.

OT: Doug, one thing I miss with the attachments is the capability to see them as thumbnails. It's a "nice" feature, but it saves bandwidth too.

Any chance to have it on the forum?
It's a big processor hog for the server, that much I know. I'll have alook, see how much of a hog it really is.


(edit - actually, it WAS turned on - but unbeknown to me, you have to turn on a setting called 'show attached images' before the 'show attached images as thumbnails' will work )
I like thumbnail, Doug!... however, if you decide to mantain it, I would like to restore also image visits counter, which seems now disabled!
Seems like you cant have both - but I'll have a look into it.

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