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Full Version: Name That Gap
Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Cassini general discussion and science results
Rob Pinnegar
From the Department of Massively Overexposed Images:

(hmm... let's see if this image actually gets included...)
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I tried to identify this gap. This attempt ended in abject failure. Can anyone do better?
The best I can do is say that it is in the Cassini Division, not sure on the gap. You can see the Encke gap...
Rob Pinnegar
I don't think the main gap in the middle can be the Cassini Division. Look at where the F ring is relative to the outer edge of the A ring. The Cassini Division has got to be the barely visible faint gap on the RHS of the image. So the "big" gap has got to be a lot closer to Saturn. It's somewhere in the B or C rings.

I'm guessing Maxwell or Colombo, but just can't tell.
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