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Full Version: Solar System Intros
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Hi everyone:
I'm wonder what the best general introduction is for various bodies in the solar system. I'm looking for stuff that's above the level of NASA press release stuff and Sagan-like stuff, but stuff that's not at the professional level of texts like the tome they have for each planet (like Asteroids III, "Neptune and Triton", etc.). I mean books like Mercury: The Iron Planet by Strom and Hartmann's A Traveller's Guide to Mars, and also the Neptune and Uranus books by Miner; are there other good books on this level for Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn? Or other good books on the other planets?
QUOTE (MiniTES @ Sep 11 2005, 08:58 PM)
Hi everyone:
I'm wonder what the best general introduction is for various bodies in the solar system. I'm looking for stuff that's above the level of NASA press release stuff and Sagan-like stuff, but stuff that's not at the professional level of texts like the tome they have for each planet (like Asteroids III, "Neptune and Triton", etc.).

This is probably the best book I've found:

It's from 98, so it's a little dated now, but it's still an excellent book. You can use's View feature to look inside the book. Try the Surprise Me link to get an idea on the content, and see if that's at the level you would like.
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