September 13, 2005:

All Forum Members and Friends are cordially invited to a lecture by Dr. Stephen Gorevan, which is sponsored by The Amateur Astronomers Association of Princeton (NJ) at its monthly meeting on Tuesday, 13 Sept 2005 at 8 PM.

Dr. Gorevan, chairman and co-founder of Honeybee Robotics, is the Mars Rover Scientist who designed, developed and operates the Science Drill, which continues to function today on the Mars Rovers: "Spirit" and "Opportunity". The drill, also known as the RAT, helped provide proof for the past existence of liquid water on the surface of Mars. SCIENCE Magazine declared this to be the "Scientific Breakthrough of the Year".

The meeting begins at 8:00 PM in the lecture theatre of Peyton Hall (Ivy
Lane), on the campus of Princeton University.

Please mark your calendars for what will surely prove to be an exciting talk
about this remarkable mission. For complete details and directions to
Peyton Hall, please visit the AAAP web site.

Ken Kremer
Program Chair
Amateur Astronomers Association of Princeton