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Full Version: Spirit Sol 161 (challenge From A Friend)
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Click to view attachmentClick to view attachmentClick to view attachment sad.gif A friend in France, Editor-in-Chief of a the biggest nationwide Astronomy magazine (the French eq. of S&T in the US), was dreaming about the b&w mosaic posted by JPL :

tongue.gif He wanted to see it in full color.
He gave me this work as a challenge to test my imaging skills...
Of course, he insisted to see Gusev's rim at the horizon...

huh.gif Indeed, taken at a local 10:35 am with low opacity of the atmosphere, the images are too much saturated. And the onboard camera computer apparently tried its own compensation left to right !

biggrin.gif After many corrections and homogenous transformations, here is the final pan for you to enjoy as wallpaper.

Has anyone obtained better results ?
Phil Stooke
Olivier - beautiful image! And it shows our band of panorama producers that even when the MER mission ends there is lots of archival material to go back to.

Sol 161 has been a long-term favorite mosaic of mine, hence a good time to do a second version tonight, colorisation using PS. smile.gif

Spirit sol 161 mosaic

and a framed version;



biggrin.gif WOW ! Nico, your image is just like the camera saw it ! (unsaturated under Martian light conditions).
Now, you must apply for a job at Cornell working on Mars cams...
Thanks smile.gif I 'artistically' used PS' channel mixer until the color felt right, adjusted white/black point and decreased the overall saturation by about 10%.

Here's the link to numerically derived colors for sol 161
Daniel Crotty sol 161

I hope to get to that level of image processing some day!

I didn't use Daniel's images for this mosaic since as you know, frame #5 (clockwise) lacks the green channel and must be produced synthetically.

Love your work btw and buying your book soon!

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