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I've done one of the Opportunity empty-nest image and it's going on my office wall smile.gif

They look FAB smile.gif
Now what good is a large wall poster after all that rasterbating causes you to go blind?
Phil Stooke
Can I just do it until I need red/green glasses?

Shame on you, Phil. Isn't it bad enough that female students regularly matriculate in your institution, and reportedly are even willing to allow elderly professors to view their theses?
Yeah, but I don't blame the women -- most of the time, those professors *force* those youg women to show them their theses, or they won't *let* them matriculate!

It's a sad commentary, but true...


-the other Doug
Phil Stooke
Bruce said: " Shame on you, Phil. Isn't it bad enough that female students regularly matriculate in your institution, and reportedly are even willing to allow elderly professors to view their theses?"

I guess I'm not elderly enough. Although it feels like it after I have just biked up the hill to work.

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