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I've started shooting my own mosaics. tongue.gif Having exif data sure is a luxury for working in PTgui.
It ain't Mars sad.gif but I can see I'm going to have a whole lotta fun with this!

Here's a first result;

St.-Bavo cathedral - August 27, 2005

Hey Nico that looks great, i may not post pans from the MERs but i started stiching my own pics with the software that came with my camera yonks ago. I started out taking pics of landscapes and buildings but quickly moved to more fast and loose pans. My current angle is to take candid pans of my friends when we are at the pub sat round a table or at parties.

Here is a pan i took of the bar of a pub...
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I cut my mosaic making teeth on images of Donington Park race circuit in Leicestershire smile.gif
Bob Shaw
QUOTE (paxdan @ Aug 28 2005, 12:17 AM)
Hey Nico that looks great, i may not post pans from the MERs but i started stiching my own pics with the software that came with my camera yonks ago. I started out taking pics of landscapes and buildings but quickly moved to more fast and loose pans. My current angle is to take candid pans of my friends when we are at the pub sat round a table or at parties.

Here is a pan i took of the bar of a pub...
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Did you spill ma pint?
Bob Shaw
QUOTE (djellison @ Aug 28 2005, 12:35 AM)
I cut my mosaic making teeth on images of Donington Park race circuit in Leicestershire smile.gif


Goodness! I'd visited that set of pictures before I met Unmanned!

I've been making Terrestrial panoramas for 30 years...

Bob Shaw
You dont hang around at RSC do you?

Bob Shaw
QUOTE (djellison @ Aug 28 2005, 01:03 AM)
You dont hang around at RSC do you?



Nope. RSC?

I followed a link or three regarding panoramas...

Bob Shaw
This is one of my first attempts at creating a pan. Not as good as your
catherdral Nico, but a little closer to Mars biggrin.gif

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A barpan paxdan, I like it, pitty I'll never be able to make one of those, I'd be drunk tongue.gif
Lovely stitching as on Mars, Doug.. and Garybeau mad.gif ; I want YOUR location!!

Keep 'em coming guys!

QUOTE (NIX @ Aug 28 2005, 05:30 AM)
Garybeau mad.gif ; I want YOUR location!!

Well- Victoria Crater is about half that size smile.gif

Doh! You're right...need a little patience here laugh.gif

Hmmmmm...hope you don't mind garybeau, just a bit of fun..

I'll have to scan in my first panorama. Somewhere near the ALSEP site on Apollo 16. Rover was panning the camera.. I had B&W film on a tripod and went "clikc" crank "click" crank... Got several panoramas from Apollo 16 off the TV and many more from Apollo 17. Most of that never got printed, but I did print up and glue together the 16 pans.
QUOTE (NIX @ Aug 28 2005, 04:35 AM)
Hmmmmm...hope you don't mind garybeau, just a bit of fun..

I love it Nico, now I can say I've been to Mars biggrin.gif

If Victoria Crater is anywhere near as breathtaking as Meteor Crater was, we
are all going to be in for one hell of a treat.

Happy stitching.....

My first pan was meteor crater...I am looking for it. Here are some recent pans of mine (the rather square one is actualy a 9-framer), including a repeat without the gaps of my old "vertigo pan"

Here is one of my more ambitious mosaics that I did a couple of years ago. Using a meager Celestron C90 with an attached web cam, I took a series of videos of about 200 frames each, then aligned and stacked them using Registax. Because I was using a regular tripod rather than an equatorial mount, I then had to rotate each image to account for the rotation of the earth. I used the timestamp of the images to determine how much to rotate each image. I then hand assembled each image in Paint Shop Pro to get the final image. This image is a jpeg reduction of an original 12mb file.

Having done this once, I have a much better appreciation of all the hard work you guys have been doing in assembling the MER pans. I enjoy them immensely and I tip my hat off to you for all your efforts.

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Edit: This mosaic was composed of eight images.
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