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Bill Harris
I have got the stock "Windows Media Player" that comes with Winders XP (home). I reied looking a Doug's Sol 101 Movie and I don't think that this player supports the .mov file type. How do I view this file type? I am loathe to go to the Microsoft Media Player site for an update, usually I end up with a multi-megabyte download that doesn't do what I want.

And here I am a computer geek...

--Bill sad.gif
Go to the apple website and download their Quicktime player.
That'll do the trick
Yup - or google for something called Quicktime Alternative.

get "Media Player Classic", which is open-source and add/spam/malware free.
One source is
" - Free software, no nasties! "
Plays most anything, and with better controls.
Bill Harris
OK, I do have a Quicktime directory and a "connect to our site" installer. I'd forgotten that .mov was a Quicktime format, and being Apple explains why Winders didn't direct me better.

I'll look into installing Quicktime or getting the "Media Player Classic" that Ed mentioned.

I'm still quaking and shaking from my Windows XP ServicePack2 install... don't get me ranting.

QUOTE (djellison @ Aug 17 2005, 02:04 AM)
Yup - or google for something called Quicktime Alternative.


I highly recommend the Quicktime Alternative over Quicktime, unless you're going to buy the 'Pro' version of QT. Otherwise QT is more hassle than it's worth.

Eric P / MizarKey
I go with the Quicktime Alternative guys. Also when you're at it get rid of the Realplayer crap and install Real Alternative.
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