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Full Version: High Quality Video, Or Audio Of Landing Events
Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
Does anyone have any good quality recordings of the AUDIO from the spirit landing, and the moments for both rovers when they got the first imagery? I dont really need video - but if someone has it - could they rip the audio off as a reasonable MP3?

Depending on what your planned use is, there might be some useful audio in the Planetary Radio show on the Spirit landing here:

And (probably less useful) stuff from the Opportunity show:

The Spirit stuff is not quite up to our usual recording standard though, because the audio was actually recorded at a live event, so there's various audience noises and local commentary going on. I'm checking with the show's producer to see if he has any other audio materials handy from either Spirit or Opportunity. The two local voices are Bruce Betts (a Planetary Society person) and Donna Shirley (was responsible for Sojourner).

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