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I have all this on an external HDD, obviously - but I like to have a backup of all the data I've spent time downloading....(cough ahem, FTP download using work's connection over the weekend tongue.gif )

So I whack it all on CD or DVD - here's the MER collection so far -

On the left - the VL1 and VL2 CD's - both contain around 550 Mb

Then, the three Pathfinder IMP Cd's

Next - the Sojourner CD - That's one I made myself after downloading the entire contents of the browseable website.

Then...the big guns...all those ones on the right at just Pancam data - the IMG's - and the PNG's to accompany them all - and each one is a DVD smile.gif About 35 gig each so far

And I'd like to introduce Suzi - she's the fuzzy thing at the back smile.gif Helen and I got here a week ago and she's ace smile.gif She likes Sojourner - thats the one she picked out to stand on while I was trying to grab a picture smile.gif (further suzi pic - )

Oh - and Spirit Sols 329 -> 360 was just printing when I took that.

I'm now going to start downloading the navcam data from the browseable websites, then hazcam..

then MI from the FTP

It's all good smile.gif

Impressive archive Doug... I want it!!
If the cool duplicator machine we had at work did DVD's and not just CD's - then I'd run off copies at cost, but to put MER data on CD would be just WAHGHGHGHG


Cool Doug, I haven't started the burning process...I hate burning cd/dvd actually. But just for safety I have it all on an external, and a backup on another Lacie-babe tongue.gif

Nice work on the MER-labeling of your discs!

Akk - I cant find that URL where all the Nav and Hazcam data was. Grrr

And here I was going to ask you how many gigabytes the cat held... I guess, in the case of a cat, it's more like giganibbles.

-the other Doug
QUOTE (dvandorn @ Jul 31 2005, 08:13 PM)
And here I was going to ask you how many gigabytes the cat held...

-the other Doug

You just got in there before me.... laugh.gif

Pretty cool collection alright. smile.gif
...and a bootable DVD or CD is one thing, but a bootable cat is another. Unless of course it's Puss in Boots.
Dvandorn: "And here I was going to ask you how many gigabytes the cat held... I guess, in the case of a cat, it's more like giganibbles"

Well.. but the cat comes complete with Fuzzy Logic!
Bob Shaw
I'd be careful leaving those nice shiny DVDs out where your feline friend can play with them - the surfaces might get scratched, leading to CATastrophic data loss!

(ducks and runs)
They live in the little CD wallet thing you can see behind Suzi smile.gif

Nice collection DOUG !
A bit more and You might need a Storage Area Network with mirrored disks sets and automated back-up biggrin.gif

By The Way, do You collect any photographs of the spacecraft themselves being built, assembled, tested & prepared for launch ?

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