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Today, July 26, is the 34th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 15.

-the other Doug
QUOTE (dvandorn @ Jul 27 2005, 03:42 AM)
Today, July 26, is the 34th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 15.

-the other Doug

Keeping with the Apollo 15 vibe. Today is the day the genesis rock was found all those years ago.
I still recall watching that EVA live, and hearing Dave Scott saying "Guess what we just found. GUESS what we just found!"

-the other Doug
QUOTE (dvandorn @ Aug 1 2005, 06:22 PM)
I still recall watching that EVA live, and hearing Dave Scott saying "Guess what we just found.  GUESS what we just found!"

-the other Doug

145:42:41 Irwin: Oh, man!
145:42:41 Scott: Oh, boy!
145:42:42 Irwin: I got...
145:42:42 Scott: Look at that.
145:42:44 Irwin: Look at the glint!
145:42:45 Scott: Aaah.
145:42:46 Irwin: Almost see twinning in there!
145:42:47 Scott: Guess what we just found. (Jim laughs with pleasure) Guess what we just found! I think we found what we came for.
145:42:53 Irwin: Crystalline rock, huh?
145:42:55 Scott: Yes, sir. You better believe it.
145:42:57 Allen: Yes, sir.
145:42:58 Scott: Look at the plage in there.
145:42:59 Irwin: Yeah.
145:43:00 Scott: Almost all plage.
145:43:01 Irwin: (Garbled)
145:43:02 Scott: As a matter of fact (Laughing) Oh, boy! I think we might have ourselves something close to anorthosite, 'cause it's crystalline, and there's just a bunch...It's just almost all plage. What a beaut.

I imagine all you guys are familar with the excellent ALSJ site. Really i can't say enough good things about it.
The ALSJ is superb - some of the imagery work there is good as well smile.gif

31st October 2006 ... 70th anniversary of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory !
There's an online quiz ...
QUOTE (PhilCo126 @ Nov 1 2006, 02:05 PM) *

I question their question 4:

"What was the first planet to be studied from space by a U.S. spacecraft?"

The options given are:

1/ Mars
2/ The moon
3/ Venus
4/ None of the above

I'd say "None of the above". They say "Venus". What happened to the earliest Earth observations?

Another anniversary and JPL store made a special pin for 2 years Cassini-Huygens... The mission dogtags are also nice wink.gif
QUOTE (AndyG @ Nov 1 2006, 05:30 PM) *
"What was the first planet to be studied from space by a U.S. spacecraft?"
2/ The moon
I'd say "None of the above". They say "Venus". What happened to the earliest Earth observations?

Fantastic, who made this quiz? tongue.gif
Probably the names have been changed to protect the innocent laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
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