Hi, I’m Jake Matijevic. I’ll be giving the Flight Director’s Report for June 14th, 2005.

Today is sol 515 for Spirit at the Gusev crater site. Yesterday Spirit drove away from a set of rocks and outcrops in the Columbia Hills and on its way to another set of rocks called Methuselah. From that point on it will be driving up the Columbia Hills to Husband Hill and passing a number of outcrop areas which should be of continuing interest for our scientists for in-situ measurement. Visual dust storms in this area have diminished over the last several days but remain a continued concern as Mars moves into the summer season.

On the other side of the planet, the same dust storms had reached a position in which tau is higher than ever recorded here at any of the landing sites. But Opportunity continued to perform at activities. It is now midday on sol 494 and Opportunity will be completing a rather large arc turn in preparation for repositioning itself near its tracks and sand formations near the sand dune which it drove out of about a week or so ago.

And that’s what’s going on on Mars today. Thank you.