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There is an interesting article in the "Breaking News" section of today's electronic Boston Globe, which often means it will be in tomorrow's print edition.

wheel.gif wheel.gif wheel.gif
QUOTE (Phillip @ Jul 18 2005, 03:10 PM)
There is an interesting article in the "Breaking News" section of today's electronic Boston Globe, which often means it will be in tomorrow's print edition.

:wheel:  :wheel:  :wheel:

Nice to see that people remember it. How is it breaking news?

Isn't it funny how people go nuts about the rovers when the land, scream for color photos and analysis before the team has a chance to do any, but once they start doing real science and going to really spectacular places, everyone forgets about them?

Now when they finally break, THEN they'll make the news.
Me thinks the person who wrote this is not all that clued up on Space Exploration :

"The Mars rover Opportunity was photographed crossing the planet."

Darn good camera that isn't it ?
QUOTE (MahFL @ Jul 18 2005, 08:49 PM)
Me thinks the person who wrote this is not all that clued up on Space Exploration :

"The Mars rover Opportunity was photographed crossing the planet."

Darn good camera that isn't it ?

Oh, that's the camera on Phobos 3. It has a 1 cm resolution, and cost $50.
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