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Unmanned > EVA > Conferences and Broadcasts
I'd like to know which of the three following is best:

Eyes on Mars
Wheels on Mars
Mars, dead or alive.

And how i can get (one, two or all three of) them for a reasonable price. From USA they want to bill me another 20 USD for shipping to Holland, which is even more than the retailprice of the DVD itself. Can i buy them in Europe somewhere ?

Any more DVD's about Mars recommended ?

Mars Dead or Alive is fantastic - if you can, get the follow on -called "Year One" or something.

Bob Shaw
QUOTE (Marcel @ Jul 12 2005, 03:41 PM)
I'd like to know which of the three following is best:

Eyes on Mars
Wheels on Mars
Mars, dead or alive.

And how i can get (one, two or all three of) them for a reasonable price. From USA they want to bill me another 20 USD for shipping to Holland, which is even more than the retailprice of the DVD itself. Can i buy them in Europe somewhere ?

Any more DVD's about Mars recommended ?



I don't know those DVDs myself, but would suggest eBay is worth a look. Oh, and if you're interested in the Apollo flights and/or Saturn launch vehicles, HMV have just started selling the Spacecraft Films range - and even advertising them! I bought both Mighty Saturns sets and Apollo 11 for £100 recently. Great stuff, with material you won'y have seen before (like: Saturn 1 development flight footage from within the S-IV oxygen tank showing the oxidiser draining away (I never realised before that LOX looks just like water when it's not boiling and steaming away!)).

Bob Shaw
QUOTE (Bob Shaw @ Jul 12 2005, 02:56 PM)

I don't know those DVDs myself, but would suggest eBay is worth a look. Oh, and if you're interested in the Apollo flights and/or Saturn launch vehicles, HMV have just started selling the Spacecraft Films range - and even advertising them!  I bought both Mighty Saturns sets and Apollo 11 for £100 recently.  Great stuff, with material you won'y have seen before (like: Saturn 1 development flight footage from within the S-IV oxygen tank showing the oxidiser draining away (I never realised before that LOX looks just like water when it's not boiling and steaming away!)).

Bob Shaw

I already bought Apollo 11. But i'll start to save money and buy ALL of them......the 20 USD shipping rate is going to be devided over all copies then......
Thanks for the suggestions.
QUOTE (Bob Shaw @ Jul 12 2005, 02:56 PM)

I don't know those DVDs myself, but would suggest eBay is worth a look. Oh, and if you're interested in the Apollo flights and/or Saturn launch vehicles, HMV have just started selling the Spacecraft Films range - and even advertising them!  I bought both Mighty Saturns sets and Apollo 11 for £100 recently.  Great stuff, with material you won'y have seen before (like: Saturn 1 development flight footage from within the S-IV oxygen tank showing the oxidiser draining away (I never realised before that LOX looks just like water when it's not boiling and steaming away!)).

Bob Shaw

Mighty Saturns is excellent. Of those you mention Dead or Alive is probably the best (strangely titled) but I thought Part II was really bad. They bascially spend 50 minutes of the hour talking about the flash memory problem and then the rest of the 10 minutes talking about how they were afraid to grind blueberries with the RAT. Then at the end they say one sentence like "Spirit's flash memory problem was fixed and it visited a crater and the Columbia Hills. Opportunity left its crater and looked at a crater called Endurance." And that was it. Ridiculous.
Tom Tamlyn
The original installment of "Mars, Dead or Alive," is available for watching online on the Nova website.

Unfortunately the files aren't available for downloading.

Tom Tamlyn
QUOTE (Tom Tamlyn @ Sep 4 2005, 05:06 PM)
The original installment of "Mars, Dead or Alive," is available for watching online on the Nova website.

Unfortunately the files aren't available for downloading.

Tom Tamlyn

And is not visible if you're outside the USA as far as I can tell. sad.gif
Don't feel so bad...I live in the US and the website won't let me access the program, either - it tells me that I'm trying to access it from outside the US.
There's one DVD Mars-enthusiasts should look forward to with greatest expectations...
Well I'm looking forward to it !

Best regards,
Philip mars.gif
Well folks, it looks like Spacecraft Films is considering bringing a DVD series on unmanned spaceflight ...
Well there exist certainly some great video-images at the JPL archive, so if well-researched following DVD-sets on Mars would be desirable biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Mariner 4 + 6 + 7 + 9 reconnaissance of Mars. mars.gif

Viking 1 & 2 Orbiters & Landers exploration of Mars. mars.gif

Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey and Mars Express photograph Mars from orbit. mars.gif

Pathfinder-Sojourner and both Mars Exploration Rovers conduct intensive studies of Mars. mars.gif

You can always send Your suggestion to their website at:
( Click ' Future Products ' )

... can't wait ...

Best regards,
Added some DVDs on righthand side of my Mars-Literature weblog:
Look at the very last movie on this weblink ohmy.gif

Does anybody know if this is available on CD-ROM ? It's an excellent summary of the best Press Briefings of the 1997 Mars Pathfinder team !
mars loon
QUOTE (Marcel @ Jul 12 2005, 02:41 PM)
I'd like to know which of the three following is best:

Eyes on Mars
Wheels on Mars
Mars, dead or alive.

And how i can get (one, two or all three of) them for a reasonable price. From USA they want to bill me another 20 USD for shipping to Holland, which is even more than the retailprice of the DVD itself. Can i buy them in Europe somewhere ?

Any more DVD's about Mars recommended ?


The PBS NOVA program "Mars: Dead or Alive" smile.gif pancam.gif wheel.gif

is outstanding and was first broadcast as Spirit was landing in Jan 2004.

A year later in Jan 2005, PBS NOVA followed up with the equally excellent "Welcome to Mars" smile.gif pancam.gif wheel.gif

which covers most of the first year of flight operations and also includes additional Dan Maas footage of Oppy approaching Endurance.

They are "must haves" which I highly recommend. Both have extensive interviews and behind the scenes shots with Steve Squyres and many other members of the MER teams.

here is the link to PBS website for lots more info on both DVD's

"Eyes on Mars" is from and is all pre-landing

its good and has an excellent interview with Dan Maas pancam.gif explaining the details of his fabulous animation. That alone makes it worthwhile
I have an unopened (pristine) copy of 'Mars - Dead or Alive' for sale. Will sell for £6 (includes postage) within UK, £7.20 to rest of EU. If this counts as spam please delete, but it seems relevant to this thread.
QUOTE (Bob Shaw @ Jul 12 2005, 02:56 PM)

I don't know those DVDs myself, but would suggest eBay is worth a look. Oh, and if you're interested in the Apollo flights and/or Saturn launch vehicles, HMV have just started selling the Spacecraft Films range - and even advertising them!  I bought both Mighty Saturns sets and Apollo 11 for £100 recently.  Great stuff, with material you won'y have seen before (like: Saturn 1 development flight footage from within the S-IV oxygen tank showing the oxidiser draining away (I never realised before that LOX looks just like water when it's not boiling and steaming away!)).

Bob Shaw

Ohhh neato! ohmy.gif It should have looked darker blue than water though right? I have always wanted to see what a large quantity of liquid O2 looked like. One time when I was at KSC on a tour as a kid I saw a big tank that said "DANGER LIQUID OZONE"; I would sooooo love to see what that looks like! Its supposedly deep purplish/blue and highly (para?)magnetic. lovely. (and I bet you all thought your obsessions were unusual! laugh.gif )
Did anyone record (preferably on DVD) these BBC Horizon documentaries?

1. Saturn - lord of the rings
2. Titan - a place like home ?

Excellent documentaries but unavailable via BBC although many people already requested that BBC should make theme-related DVD sets of their Horizon documentaries! dry.gif
OK, due to everyone's great recommendations, I bought both Mars, Dead or Alive and Welcome to Mars on DVD, should have them by the end of the week....

BTW, has anyone seen the BBC production of Voyage to the Planets and Beyond - I think it was called Space Odyssey in the UK... It was fairly cheap at ($14.99 US) for the DVD and I would be interested in opinions if it's too corny.

PS-I hope linking to an actual commercial site doesn't break the rules... let me know and I will remove the link if need be.
Space Odyssey was all right, nothing great to be honest. You wont learn anything, but it's got some nice eye candy. at $15 I'd probably get it. There is a sibling program that highlight the missions from which much of the scientific basis for the program came from though.

Indeed Doug, the documentaries on Space Odyssey won't learn anything special to passionate unmanned space enthusiasts but are great to watch...
I've bought the DVD for the 60 minutes documentary on it which gives an overview of Unmanned spaceflight missions to the planets...

I have added DVDs on my Mars-literature weblog (lower right portion)

(I can recommend the Beagle 2 DVD)

Best regards,
Philip smile.gif
They DVD'd the Beagle programs from the OU ohmy.gif

DOUG WANT! Not found that anywhere - any pointers?

I cant actually see any 'stuff' on your blog, just lots of images down each side - there's a Beagle 2 Guide it seems ( after CP's book Beagle which I have ) - what on earth's that?

The book entitled ' The Guide to Beagle 2 ' is an excellent softcover book, in fact a technical description of the lander and its instruments, 222 glossy pages, which can still be ordered from Open University !
It was published in December 2003 and has superb color photos on the assembly of the lander and engineers designing and testing all aspect of Beagle 2 ! smile.gif

The weblog is just intended to show the covers of the books & magazines but send me an e-mail or forum-message and I'll be glad to give more infos smile.gif
I think I've managed to find a copy of the guide on Ebay smile.gif

But I dont know they did the DVD's at all ohmy.gif Where on earth can one get them?

BBC 2 Horizon will be about space tourists next Thursday 12th January 2006... set Your VCRs ... euh Hard Disk DVD recorders I meant biggrin.gif
Asking once more wink.gif
Did anyone record (preferably on DVD) these BBC "Horizon" documentaries?

1. Saturn - lord of the rings
2. Titan - a place like home

I'm willing to pay all costs to get a copie on DVD if these are sitting on someone's hard disk
QUOTE (PhilCo126 @ Mar 20 2006, 07:57 PM) *
Asking once more wink.gif
Did anyone record (preferably on DVD) these BBC "Horizon" documentaries?

1. Saturn - lord of the rings
2. Titan - a place like home

I'm willing to pay all costs to get a copie on DVD if these are sitting on someone's hard disk

I have both in MPEG 4 format (ie. DivX or XviD). I have downloaded them from forum. So far I only have seen the Saturn and I was a bit disappointed. If you follow Cassini's (and Huygen's) adventures, there is little new to be found. Also the feature ends with SOI, so nothing about Titan, Enceladus etc. What's nice is to see all these scientist we know only by names in person. Also the documentary manages to get across some of the awe of Saturnian system.

Meanwhile, NOVA made a new documentary on the 'mysterious' Moon Titan wink.gif

Philip cool.gif
Meanwhile has announced the first DVD-sets on unmanned spaceflight cool.gif
I have contacted Mark of spacecraftfilms and suggested to divide the unmanned DVD-sets according to target/destination of the spacecraft...
So a set on the inner planets Mercury & Venus (Mariner & Magellan), a set on the Gas giants (Pioneer & Voyager) and probably several sets on Mars-exploration, ... ohmy.gif mars.gif ohmy.gif
I was looking at the price of getting all the early MER live coverage and dumping it to DVD as a small commercial exercise - I wonder how well it would sell.

QUOTE (djellison @ May 15 2006, 09:11 PM) *
I was looking at the price of getting all the early MER live coverage and dumping it to DVD as a small commercial exercise - I wonder how well it would sell.


I guess You would have about 30 buyers on this forum ... so the first 50 would sell easily wink.gif
It'd have to be expensive ( it costs quite a lot to get footage from JPL ) - something like £20 a copy. It's a 'autumn' project I think smile.gif

Anyway Doug, by 2008 will probably have its first DVD-set on Mars-exploration available... if I check my videos, there should be a possiblility to make at least a 4-DVD set for both Mariner ( 4 + 6 + 7 + 9 ) and Viking ( 1+ 2 ) missions.
Finally the MARS UNDERGROUND DVD is available, order details here:

Philip cool.gif
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