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Full Version: Mass Downloaders ?
Unmanned > EVA > Conferences and Broadcasts
Bjorn Jonsson
I wasn't sure where to put this topic but here I go.

I'm curious to know what those of you out there who routinely download thousands or even tens of thousands of images use for downloading them.

I've tried some mass downloaders but haven't been happy with any of them (although needless to say they are way better than downloading everything manually). When the list of files to download is 'long' (500+ files which BTW I wouldn't say is 'long' since I want to download 50000+ files) adding more files to the list takes a lot of time and also the download speed drops. Or at least this happens in both Getright and Download Druid. Anything better out there ?

Of course this probably wouldn't be a problem if I could access the images via FTP but usually they are only available via HTTP.
Well - I used firefox, coupled with a program called FreeDownloadManager for getting all the links from a page, or a program called SurfOffline to grab the contents of a whole site ( as I did to grab the sojourner archived)

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