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Interesting article in the Washington Post today about Michael Griffin and the direction of Nasa, partially excerpted below with a link for those who want to read entire article:

NASA Chief Sees Space As Inside Job
Griffin Aims to Develop Greater In-House Talent

If Michael D. Griffin has his way, going to the moon won't be outsourced.

Space travel and exploration are too important to be defined by the Bush administration's pro-private-sector dogma, the still-new NASA administrator said. Only government has the gravitas and permanence to lead the way.

NASA Administrator Michael D. Griffin, right, with House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, wants to rely less on contractors for strategy and to lure top scientists to NASA with ambitious space exploration plans. (By Dave Einsel -- Getty Images)

"NASA has relied more than I would like to see on contractors for technical decision-making at the strategic level," Griffin said

In only nine weeks on the job, Griffin has turned NASA inside out, ordering wholesale changes in virtually every one of the nation's major space programs even as he replaces a small army of senior managers. He has radically altered new initiatives, reaffirmed his faith in venerable hardware and, less than a month before the first shuttle launch in 2 1/2 years, shaken up the human spaceflight program.

Griffin's aim is to restore NASA's Apollo-era luster by hiring the world's best space scientists, rekindling public support for space travel -- especially human space travel -- and doing whatever is necessary to ensure U.S. leadership in space far into the future.

"That will not be a debatable goal," Griffin said. "The issue will be ways and means -- what do we need to buy today, what do we need to defer for next year? I want [human spaceflight and exploration] to be a core part of our culture."

Link to full text:
"Mike Griffin On the Record" Links posted by Keith Cowing on his NASA Watch website

10 March 2004: Statement By Michael D. Griffin - House Science Committee Hearing: "Perspectives on the President's Vision for Space Exploration"

7 April 2004: Testimony of Michael Griffin, Senate Science, Technology, and Space Hearing: Near Earth Objects

6 October 2003: Prepared Statement of Dr. Michael D. Griffin: "The Future of Human Space Flight"

8 May 2003: Testimony of Michael D. Griffin Hearing on the NASA Orbital Space Plane Program

27 October 1999: Testimony of Michael Griffin before the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, House Committee on Science
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